Monday, July 25, 2011

epic fails...both the Notion Ink CEO & the company, not an iota of shame

"We will continue to push the updates so you all get the best out of your Adam!" - CEO Rohan Shravan - June 27th.

It is now a month. No updates since the last one.

"Seems we will have to make our week-end blog, bi-weekly. " April 30th

It's now a month since the last post. No updates.

"Chief is now on Twitter! Please do follow him for updates (and possibly some of his random rants)."

That was 6 days ago. No update - you know, this is Twitter, supposed to be a "stream" of communication. And then, 2 updates today - both essentially thanking someone who said something nice to them. That's it. So much for company updates...hmm..maybe I should get on Twitter.

And on the forums, I continue to see struggling users. There's just a handful of posts on Conclave and yet it takes days for someone to even respond. And there's no update or response of any kind to the last post of mine where I posted what Rohan said and what they did (or did not)

Have you no shame or sense of responsibility NI? When is it OK to constantly say something you cannot follow through? If this is how it's at the top, I can only imagine the example being set to the rest of the company.


  1. He is a liar. Big time. "We are working on Honeycomb", he stated few months back. The users got hacked TR version which is not still stable ( I blame Google, I love to play blame game lol). Now he is talking about Adam2 while Google next OS is still not out, not shared with NI and he is weaving dreams again.
    You are right, he is shameless and irresponsible creature. NI does not have funds to pay the monthly internet bill (every body knows how much Adam PO3 units were sold) and hence, CEO can not tweet or blog frequently unless he is on Free WIFI and Adam can connect.

  2. I posted a thread on Conclave today expressing concern about the lack of updates, and asked if the '100 employees' number was supposed to be binary. Want to guess what happened?

    Thread deleted promptly.

  3. i found another gem (from conclave, Rohan, the idiot):

    "Notion Ink has a very different content strategy. Genesis is right now in an evolutionary phase, and will usher in a new revolution because you don't need to be a programmer to push your app (content) onto the device. Now you can be anyone you want, and the world will recognize you, as YOU!"

    when he will learn he has to keep his mouth shut and let his action talk. I see a lot of people that buy Android (or NI Adam) hates Apple because are 'evil'. But NI i small, and they are already turning out to be evil. It's pity that many of their fans dont see. they delete posts, no transparency, constant lies and deceit, steal work, incapable, bundling crapware in their updates, constant rambling (his latest post about font rendering, what crap it is?) and their only excuse is they are start up. I wonder ever become a little big, they will be as evil as Mini-Me.

  4. Hahah! As expected! Anything on Conclave that goes against Herr Rohan will get deleted.

  5. Was'nt Genesis supposed to come out a long time. What happened to EAP 1 and 2 and all the hoo haa around both. Till today Genesis is just a myth, instead we've just been pushed to other stores. Though I noticed that the folks at tabletroms are busy at making the Honeycomb much more stable, It would be even greater if honeycomb was official, and you do not have to say a small prayer or sacrifice a few virgins for the Adam to not brick while you install honeycomb.

  6. Yea....They will use/buy/share/acknowledge/want/take etc..anything that comes free...I guess same with employees as well....No wonder he has to sit and take interviews as theres no one else in the company to do it! Ever heard of HR, Managers etc MR.Shravan???


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