Monday, February 27, 2012

Below is summary of all we've learnt about Adam 2 design so far!


  1. Hahahaha

    But did you see...did you see, Mr. Notion Ink Fan (you know, until his Adam was delivered and he realized he was swindled) himself GREG commented. GREG, the Adam fan to end all fans. Until of course, the going got tough. Oh, and he still continued the charade of trying to convince people to give these idiots money after it was clear the product was junk.

    Love it.

  2. LoL! It seems the ICS port is also moving very slowly, and gradually the die hard fans on NI's blog are also starting to post sensible comments.

  3. Hhahhahaha.......Nice sum up of what exactly we learnt and also what exactly they have delivered. Period!

  4. Dark matter, it still there lol

  5. I'm a little stumped that they're calling it 'beta', but then many companies have been playing fast and loose with what 'beta' really means.

  6. Yesterday, upon the stair,
    I met a man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    I wish, I wish he’d go away...

    When I came home last night at three
    The man was waiting there for me
    But when I looked around the hall
    I couldn’t see him there at all!
    Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
    Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door...

    Last night I saw upon the stair
    A little man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    Oh, how I wish he’d go away

  7. Awesome post! The depth at which you have delved into the Adam 2 development process is amazing. In the age of the fanboy 2.0, you should now put out infographic posts!


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.