Sunday, November 13, 2011

migration of support system is done... what?!

So the CEO of Notion Ink put out a blog post today stating that "Support is up again. Migration was successful"


Except that you should be asking - what the hell does that mean? In my mind "migration" means you were at point A and then moved to point B.

There was no point A to begin with. Remember, back in Oct 1st, he put this post about strengthening customer support  and that after 4 months of "study" they had implemented a new system with ticketing. That ticketing vanished soon after, and I kept asking why. It's now back with the CEO saying "migration complete" which makes me laugh - it wasn't there to begin with so what was the migration? Just making stuff as they go along.

So it took then 4 months to "study", implement a FAIL system, and then spend another month+ to bring back essentially what is was to begin with. How brilliant.


  1. Oops! I did it again. Here he goes again. Lies. KB articles are dated 12th July so the system was in place before that. Sigh they can not even set up open source project properly. Incompetent CEO of a failed company.

  2. This guy Rohan is living in a fantasy land. Let's face it: thanks to Kindle Fire, the Adam is now obsolete. The only people who bought Adams were so desperate to avoid buying Apple that they felt compelled to blow their hard-earned money on this useless toy.

  3. Four months of study probably just means he freaking bought an iPhone or an iPad. Most probably an iPad 2, looking at how he has been praising it.

  4. ...and by migration he probably changed the database backend, and needed a month's time to either learn it himself or to pester somebody to do it for him. For free.


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