Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's fascinating when I look back

There's a lot I've vented on NI in the past months, starting with my first post, whose message still holds as true today as it was in April. It's fascinating how little this company learnt in the period.

The one that you might want to look at it is one I wrote asking 'What do you stand for, Notion Ink' - and in it you'll see a great paragraph from the CEO of Notion Ink, Rohan Shravan, explicitly stating that they're about to unveil a big effort in Bangalore - here's what it is

This summer Notion Ink is starting a unique (but mostly concealed, though we will open it for a small number of people in different domains who match the criterion set forth by the team) project which will run in-n-around Bangalore area for next 5-6 months. We’re hiring a very large number of contributors from colleges, clubs, various groups and, from diverse fields. The aim of this project is to create a mature “front and back end” system before we open it for the world. Design and develop a scalable model which is optimized for the goal and comprehensive enough to cover a majority of creative domains. We’re be working on the fascinating fields of the natural language processing, relationship extractions, algorithms like YAGO and snow-ball, and the dream behind all our efforts, the BLISS system.

This was back in May. I mean, you and I know nothing ever came of it. What happened to this "unique" project? Guess it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo like everything else, DIY system, BLISS, Genesis, you name it.

Their website hasn't changed, we still haven't the faintest idea what it is really that they want to accomplish (if anything at all), and at the end of the post I said something to the tune of "you may be young and super bright..." and on that account I was really wrong. Only the "Young" part is true.


  1. JKSaur: What do you think will happen to Notion Ink eventually?

    What I mean to ask is, lets drop the analysis of whats happening currently. Lets think a step ahead. Lets think about Notion Ink at CES, its next course of action, et cetera.

    Will the company survive? If yes, how long? If no, when should we officially & legally bid farewell? What will happen to the Employees and the Founders? Will the Employees (Devs n Designers) be appreciated by the IT world for having the NI-label? Investors, the money, the patents (if any and how many?).....????

    I know its too much of forecasting. But I am waiting for it. I am waiting to see NI get into the next stage. Either, its like a cracker that we assume won't burst & suddenly flames up. Or its actually a dud cracker that we all keep hoping to see in flames/sparks and it just goes...phussss......

    Do shed some light on this topic. As a customer, I want to know where, how, and when will NI end up!

    And the other thing I would like you to write about is: NI's presence at the CES...past 2 years and the approaching one.

    Hope its not too much to ask as an ardent follower (Both your's and NI's)


  2. What a bunch of pompous idiots.

  3. Mada, you make a fair point. My speculation is as good as anyone else's as my pretty much 100% of my source is the NI blog/forum/interviews combo. I will write another post on what I see as NI's future, in the next week or so.

  4. Thank you JKSAUR....Eagerly waiting to see what you and few other people can conclude about NI's future (if any!).

  5. When a CEO starts to obfuscate with words and phrases like "unique project", "front and back end", "scalable model", "creative domains" - and a few other acronyms thrown around, you know
    you are being led down a garden path. All those guys have to show is their fancy degrees. Getting Indian college degrees doesn't take too much IQ - studying by rote is quite enough.


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.