Monday, September 19, 2011

Hey, why am I the villain for pointing out what they do?

I had 2 topics to discuss

(1) Notion Ink economics and

(2) Response to the 2 new posts on the Notion Ink blog

But something hit my comments yesterday so I need to digress a bit. Here's the comment (the one that's titled 'AREN'T YOU BEING AN A**HOLE?'), and I thought I should respond to a few points.

1. Don't you see the delicious irony? - I mean, you post something that's critical on NI on their blog, they moderate it out, and then you post it on my blog while also calling me an a**hole! And I allow it.

2. Why am I the a-hole for saying the things that you're saying anyway - I mean, out there in your own comments you say they botched the launch, their co-founders are dumb, they don't keep their promises and so on, but apparently I'm the a-hole for saying it on my blog

3. You're upset that my blog is out to cause them to fail - That makes no sense! Let me say a couple of things in my defense. There were 5 Notion Ink fan sites before my blog even started, (now defunct), (dead), (dead), (pretty much dead), (became once they realized the limitations of sticking to NI), and now they're all gone. Did I cause it? No. Notion Ink and their behavior caused it. Why are you upset about my one blog when all these fan sites couldn't keep the fan going?! I mean if they're the great company that many say they are, then why bother about my blog? Here's another thought - I started my blog in April 2011. Guess what? I waited all that time to see if they cleaned their act, and they've been getting feedback since late 2010!

4. Your statements about " he is trying to get things right in his own unprofessional way. But he is doing it none the less" is just silly - Seriously. Do you need industry experience to figure out that a product needs to be supported once released? does it take a genius to know that people expect you to follow-up on what you say? Have you seen one post from him since Jan to say 'hey, we screwed up, we'll do better next time?' - do you honestly believe that the guy is actually trying?! What did he do to get a  pass from scrutiny? Why are they special now? They were in 2010, and that's long gone! You do know that the CEO has said that they have '100+ employees', 'operations in dozens of countries', and they are doing research on so many areas... so they're a big company now, no?

My blog is the only active blog that's highlighting this company's behavior but you want me to stop, and yet my blog is the only one where you have an outlet to complain! 

Think about it. You complain in NI's blog, they censor you out. You complain on Tabletroms you'll have a bunch of people telling you to get lost - and the moderators are very clear that they are friends with NI so won't push for changes. Complain on Notion Addicts and no one cares because they're dead. Complain on conclave, and they will moderate you out. So here's a company with tons of problems and misleading behaviour and you want everyone to " be quiet"? Why? so more people can buy and cry? Is that the right thing to do?

Sorry, I'm not stopping. If I see change in their behavior I will gladly come out and say good words, I've got no innate hate. But right now they're a joke.

And for you my friend, my blog is always home - you comment and it will appear so long as it is not abusive. I'm not Notion Ink.


  1. 2. Why am I the a-hole for saying the things that you’re saying anyway

    Good point - pretty much says it all

  2. Oh JKS! Why get hurt over such rubbish.....for all you know, it could be him/co-founders sitting and writing such stuff since they can't do it anywhere else...(Though I doubt that--as the language used is far more Grammatically correct and proofread!).

    Yes, I agree it was a bit nasty on the writer's part to call you... Whatever......But don't take it in anyother which way. We all know that we don't want a genuine company to fail.

    Isn't it proof enough of your support, that though, even NI's CEO has no time to talk about his Company (blog), Co-founders are missing, forums are dead, you are spending enough of it on them?!

    We all support good ideas, materialization of those ideas and the ability to rectify mistakes! But in their case except Ideas nothing else happened....No harm pinpointing it.....If we know can applaud and stand by somebody for almost 2years without so much as a prototype, we very well can kick butts when they go wrong repeatedly and loose the major thing a Company can survive on-Customer base!

    Even a parent scolds and punishes his kid when they go wrong....I hope atleast out of rage after reading your blog, they will get their act right? (Hope is the key word)

    Keep up the Good work!

  3. AHahha, brilliantly written post. He is blasting Rohan and NI for being unprofessional, then he's blasting you for not giving Rohan a chance. What is this? Corporations for Dummies. Oh poor fella, he's just got millions of investors dollar to make mistakes and f#$% things up, but its okay, let him burn it up, after all failures are just a stepping stone to success.

  4. OK. So you are also like our dear CEO-with a difference though!

    You can allow comments which call you names and dedicate an entire article to them, but not my comments which supported your work and blog! You moderate it out...How cool is that!

    Huh! And here I was expecting somebody to be different....Thanks for proving me wrong.........So typical!!

    Goodbye and take care JKS!

  5. Oh, the irony again! Hehe

    Don't go Not-Stink :) posts go into moderation to avoid spam and I approve them when I get to them during the day. Sometimes some posts get flagged as spam in which case I might not notice it until much later.

    I *do* block posts based on these rules

    1. Pure attacks on people with no substantiation / very abusive, racist etc.
    2. Posting any insider info - I only care about public sources I can point to
    3. Spam - selling me Viagra etc

    So...its all good, have a drink on me.


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.