Tuesday, July 12, 2011

World class support



just 2 recent examples.



of course, keep in mind that the support team possibly larger than developer team. I didn't say that.

What can you even possibly say about a company that, after 3 order rounds and 6 months after the first round, can't deal with basic support issues?

I can only imagine the horror if they actually sold hundreds of thousands of devices. Thankfully there have been only a thousand or less who are that charitable...





  1. my theory: to hire good developers that can work on tablet is expensive. NI seemed to be severely cash starved. good developers in India jump companies fast(attrition rate is extremely high). and when they see current state they will certainly quit. I doubt NI pays good enough to people to work for them. So it is a best guess they have no talent developers.
    with those developers they can only hack the tabletrom's version. they cannot develop one one their own, and even if they attempted it would be terrible quality and not production ready.

  2. LOL, I live in India and I laught at foolish flamboyant Indian companies like this.

  3. NI probably offers the opportunity to work for a dream. Unfortunately, ours being a poor country, people only work for real cash.

  4. hahaha. Don't bet on it. Long ago he mentioned in an interview that he "recruited" a whole batch of engineering students from some college in Andhra Pradesh and trained them in "2 months" to make "professional applications" (guess what the result was). They sure did work for a dream.

  5. They aren't necessarily hiring good devs. Probably mostly making do with interns, recent grads etc.


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