Sunday, May 22, 2011

"... not rushing by releasing sub-standard products"

Look at the last paragraph in this Nov 2010 blog post

"Notion Ink is about bringing that ‘future’ faster towards us (but not rushing by releasing sub-standard products, we are here to stay for centuries)."

(bold emphasis mine)

I did not say that. He did. The CEO of Notion Ink said that Notion Ink would not rush to release sub-standard products. You tell me, did he? Unless of course you have a whole new definition of what sub-standard means.

He did not say that Pre-Orders would be rushed and would be buggy but post Pre-Order would be high quality. He did not say that early buyers would get sub-standard products. He did say Notion Ink would not rush and release sub-standard products.

If one of could point a post to me stating he said the contrary, or even a post where he came and up and explained why the software is so buggy, I'm willing to give this a rest.

Please don't tell me why we should 'overlook this', 'ignore that',' let it go','give it a rest'.

This brings to my mind an interesting leadership philosophy... that's for another post. Enough for now.

(oh, he said this too...)


  1. What was once heard, thought to be the glorious sound of a conch shell, turned out to be a loud fart. This pretty much sums up the 'marketing spin' of last year, and the harsh reality of now.

    BTW, if you care to recall, Rohan mentioned in many interviews that NI was ready June / July of 2010 to roll out the products, but had 'investor' issues. So they had decided to postpone the release and add new features to the product. In retrospect, this probably was all baloney !

  2. Fantastic comment! It's pretty evident that you are an experienced technology journalist. Since you haven't left your identity or blog link, I can only speculate. You make great points, very valid. To your sentence about pre-orders, I commented on this in April, saying early adopters are not beta test subjects. There are many things in your post I could respond, but I might do so by emphasizing a few in the blog rather than as a response to your comment.

    One aspect that I will touch on (which you talked about in the end - about farming out parts of the work elsewhere) is when you see a small company like this running around everything by itself without giving a modicum of thought about build-vs-buy, core strengths, complexity of the consumer electronics value chain, you do wonder about the wisdom of the founders and the investors. It's not like they've been around for 3 months - this story has been going on since late 2009. That's a long time in the fast moving technology marketplace to sort a few things out.


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.