Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some fantastic new technology for Adam III

So, we all know how incredible Adam I was. We've heard much about Adam II already, read here for the promises made on Adam II. Never mind that in over 3 years of its "start-up" existence this amazing company hasn't released one viable product.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we're already hearing about Adam III! Who bankroll's these geniuses, I wonder? (I have a theory*).

So here's a glimpse from the article in economic times - and excerpt for your convenience

"The research and development team is creating a stylus technology, which will enable students to write on tablets the way one would use a pen and paper for writing or drawing. This includes making tablet screen rough or uneven to give a feel like a standard pad of paper. The firm is also working on a technology that will enable students to interface laboratory equipment with tablets and smartphones to perform experiments and do calculations"

"The company hopes to release these technologies in the third version of the Adam Tablet within two years. "We believe low cost tablets will become ubiquitous among students in the next two years," says Rohan Shravan, founder of Notion Ink Design. The use of tablets is also growing within academia. "We are very bullish on the wide scale use of tablets within the education industry."

Oh boy! Did you read that? Notion Ink Design Labs is now working on new stylus technology for Adam III! This is the same illustrious team that got us Eden, Adam I, all the DIY stuff, amazing Adam I camera and what not. Who believes them?

I'm just waiting for the NI worshippers to come screaming "REVOLUTIONARY" too bad NI isn't publishing the comments of their own fawning fanboys (all 10 of them) ;) Hey you guys can post on my blog, I'll publish.

So that's it guys, those of you waiting for Adam II. keep in mind Adam I was a third rate beta product that you forced yourself to praise. Your guess is as good as mine for Adam II as, you know, they're already onto Adam III. Hooray!

* I sometimes wonder if they're making some money by providing OEM/design services for some of those cheap low quality tablets coming up in India, released by other companies.


  1. They could've made money by putting Eden and Genesis on the Market, along with their keyboard, mail program etc....or probably not, considering how pathetic most of these turned out to be in reality.

  2. I love a long running rant and yours goes on for years ! Well done ... I was a supporter of the adam but yes now it appears the entire team has gone undergound.

  3. When you can get a similar spec tablet less than Adam vaporware, why wait for Rohan's modular dream.

  4. The Adam II isn't even out and these guys seem to be touting the Adam 3 with an uneven screen surface. So what they mean is you'll get a generic tablet with a rough textured screen protector on it.

  5. These are blood sucking idiots with loads of paid hypers. F**kng a**h**les.

  6. I dont even insult myself touching this crap. Insult for country named India

  7. Economic Times - Known for Paid news i.e advertorial with out the disclaimer

  8. I bought one for the screen -very cool watching motogp in the bright sun whilst flipping through engine manuals... they didnt put the case on properly and for some absurd and perverse reason they made a sunlight readable display with a gloss screen.
    Thats not just stupid its insane - i pointed this out to them but they wouldnt listen- i also offered constructive criticism via mail and on one of the blogs as to how they might fix there customer relations- but there was nothing but hype to be sold and if i was conspiratorially minded i would dare say the idiot making this thing was deliberately sabotaging the emergence of a new display technology(which is a pretty cool one) in order that samsung and iphones retain their market share- to take an innovative and functional new idea and screw it up so badly by packaging and designing it so very badly....i could go on but notionwank isnt so i wont bother.


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.