A recent post on Tabletroms garnered some attention. The post, from someone highly technically skilled, was a bit of an ammo to the fanboy club - "this vindicates Notion Ink!!!!" - the thread has gems (for e.g. an astonishing revelation that volume and profit may not be "correlated" or they may even be "anticorrelated" or some nonsense like that)
Err, no. Not by a long shot. So I guess a longer post warranted. Stay tuned. Coming soon (not in NI parlance, but in mine - which means a few days)
Being the one who made the anticorrelated comment, I didn't mean it literarlly, but it is well-known that (1) vendors sell things at a loss, as long as they can get volume, in order to capture a market; (2) this causes other vendors to sell at a loss (or a bare break-even) too; (3) premium items get overcharged, simply to compensate.
ReplyDeleteThere are any number of examples, other than Nvidia. But I think, in Nvidia's case, HPC (in the high-revenue/low-volume) and Tegra (in the low-revenue/high-volume) categories are an excellent example.
But I suppose I should be waiting for your longer post, where you explain where Notion Ink is evil anyway.
Notion Ink isn't evil. It's just a pitiful company with bad management. And that's got nothing to do with NVidia.