How many of you want to browse porn sites at leisure with an account (to, you know, bookmark favorite videos and chat with a bevy of 20 year old hotties, all surprisingly from your local neighborhood, and desperate to have sex with you) but are afraid to register on them? I know I am.
Which is why I'm so thankful to that guy who thoughtfully took the time and effort, and all the trouble to go ahead and register me to a slew of porn sites.
This isn't the first time but the effort the last time wasn't stellar. The last time whoever did it had poor taste in the sites selection and the registrations also accompanied a threatening e-mail, which wasn't no nice. This time it's a better job.
So at some time 7 hours ago, in a span of about 4 minutes, someone diligently went to each of these great porn sites and registered me on it.

gay porn isn't to my interest but I appreciate the other selections, and you all (my readers) can enjoy some fine selections from this afficianado.
And whoever did this - I ask you to please look out for me in the porn universe and time-to-time register me on new and upcoming sites. Thank you for your help. Don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail, though I would also recommend that you not do it from your company network.


But I have faith in humanity and hope he was trying to do the right thing.
Now if you'll excuse me folks, I have some "browsing" to do. Heheh ;)
update: Whoopeee, I got more reading to do! Thank you friend.