Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 4...

So, week 4.

"Let me know what is flowing across your minds and I will keep you busy reading on weekends!" - April 5 2012, Rohan Shravan, "CEO'' of Notion Ink.

Nothing in last 4 weeks. And they were back from "Hibernation" and wanted to keep us busy reading on weekends. Once in a while it would be nice if they didn't mislead.

"Our mission is to promote and pursue community based development, and this is the only way we can work on simultaneous projects." - Rohan Shravan, January 2012. hey can someone show me how they're promoting and pursuing community based development in Adam 2?


  1. Needs QUICK LOGIC where 4 weeks != 1 weekend ;)

  2. Any updates on MADAM? What are your plans for MADAM2? Who are your 'partners' ;) ?

  3. *sigh* guess I have to give up the secretive details of MADAM after all...


Thanks for your comments. I try to publish all comments so long as I feel like it based on my set of rules for acceptable comments. Those rules keep changing in my mind.