Rohan Shravan announced the much awaited (ok, not really) Adam II (a.k.a Notion Ink Adam 2) recently. That's fine - it's time a new product was announced, I've got no problem with that. But it's how it was announced, and what the announcement contains that caught my eye.
Once again, we're back in Notion Ink dreamland - the place where much gets said and little gets done. Now we're in "Adam II will release the world’s first Modular Based Software Architecture which will further expand the scope of application development and use nearly every single hardware feature in a “user customizable” application" land. What the hell does that mean? For many, many years we've heard of similar concepts, none succeeding really well. And that's because it's incredibly complex to implement in real life. But here we go, the geniuses that gave us Adam I will now release the "world's first", whatever that is.
This is a fantastic example of what I've said repeatedly - this company and its founder do not learn from their mistakes. What I would have expected is a single post - something like this -
"All, were' happy to announce the development of Adam II. It will utilize the <platform>. We will take a different path for Adam II as compared to Adam I, and we have learned from our mistakes.
Here's x, y, z what we did wrong, here are steps a, b, c we've taken to rectify it and ensure it doesn't happen again, and here's our plan for Adam II and Adam I owners - here's what you can expect <list of things>
We want to create a high quality product and set no unrealistic expectations. We have several interesting ideas in mind and we hope to bring them to you in due time.
That way you don't set yourself up for an expectation trap. Allow yourself to work unhindered. And then hopefully wow the world with some great features. Instead what we get is a big can of gas - an announcement of the next generation device with a promise so grand that it's going to setup super high expectations all over again. Not many are buying it this time, going also by the comments. Very wisely so - fool me once...
What does this augur? Well, another disappointment when it releases, hich is why I'm starting a new tab in the next day or two to record all the commitments he makes about Adam II - starting with this "World's first modular whatever whatever"
Looks like we're back to spinning stories again, boys.
And Adam I owners, you know the writing on the wall. You just got abandoned -- actually it isn't that bad, because you were pretty much abandoned since Adam I launched anyway.
In my next post I will link a literary masterpiece that has resurfaced with some modifications. Irresistible. And then let's take a look at all the "partners" he talks about, shall we?
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