Let me read between lines if you will humor me.
On Nov 12th, the CEO of Notion Ink said this on his blog
"17th is when we are expecting ICS to be finally out with the source, and then you will see whole community (aka TabletRoms) and NI pushing in ROMs with different flavors."
And then today (Nov 15th) he said:
"So, Let’s start building folks!"
See something common? If the Honeycomb experience is anything to go by, I guess the Tabletroms people better start cracking because that's what this really means: TR to help again. Don't expect NI to deliver much I suppose, maybe they'll surprise me.
So, NI, don't pull a Honeycomb on us. get original - don't release TR's ROM as yours once they do it. On the other hand I don't even understand why the TR folks are wasting time on a device that has a few hundred users and a dying community and instead focus on fast growing devices/communities where they can make a change. I say this because you can see for yourself the utter lack of interest in whatever Rohan has to say these days... 19 - 20 comments for big announcements, tell you not many care anymore (I do!)
I knew you'll say this!
ReplyDeleteI am shamelessly predictable ;)